Current version: 1.0.0/0.4.0, released: 2012-06-30
Grr is a Rss reader for GNUstep and Macintosh
Grr 1.0.0 version, 0.4.0 RSSKit
- Enhanced article display with attributes, links and tooltips
- Improved feed support for RSS 0.92
- Code cleanup and bugfix
- Updates for current GNUstep libraries
- Enhanced portability (Mac 10.3, build systems, BSDs,)
Grr 0.9.0 version, 0.3.0 RSSKit
- First official release from GAP
- Ported to Macintosh
- Ported to Windows
- Opening of articles in WWW through the stanard system browser (NSWorkspace used to open URL)
- improved portability through various fixes: gcc 2.95, x86-64
- simplified architecture by removing UKNibOwner class
Feature wishlist:
- Allow subscription to Feeds behind apache authentication.
- Remember current sort order across restarts or after downloading new feeds
V. 0.9: